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Cross Connection & Backflow Prevention Information
for a list of Certified Backflow Prevention Testers
Click for a Test Report for Approved Backflow Preventers
Policy and Code Information is linked at the bottom of this page.
GMWSS has high standards for providing our customers
with high quality water but protecting our system is everyone’s
responsibility. There are state regulations stating that all residential,
commercial and industrial customers are required to protect the public water
system from contamination and/or pollution of any type from flowing back
into the main water line. This is called backflow. To do so, a customer may
be required to install a device to help prevent backflow from happening.
What is cross connection?
Cross Connection is any actual or physical connection between a
potable (drinkable) water supply and any source of non-potable liquid, solid
or gas that could contaminate drinking water under certain circumstances.
What is backflow?
Backflow is the undesirable reverse flow of water or other substances into
the treated drinking water distribution system. There are two types of
backflow: backpressure and back-siphonage. Backpressure is created by any
elevation of pressure in the downstream piping system above the supply
pressure at the point of consideration. This would cause or tend to cause a
reversal of the normal direction of flow. Back-siphonage is a form of
backflow due to the reduction in a system’s pressure which causes a
sub-atmospheric pressure to exist in the water system.
Everyone should be aware that a backflow incident can affect the water
supply which has the potential to create health hazards. Backflow incidents
occur more often than you think. Unprotected cross connections are
prohibited and everyone should be responsible for protecting our water
supply and abide by state and plumbing regulations.
The customer who signs up for the water is responsible to protect the water
supply from cross connections. A customer must maintain their plumbing
system properly. The customer has the responsibility to ensure that
unprotected cross connections are not created and that the proper backflow
prevention device is installed and tested annually.
Several things a customer should be aware of to keep our water from
• Know what a cross connection is to eliminate or isolate it.
• Maintain air gaps on water hoses and sinks.
• Be careful where you place a hose, do not submerge it.
• Hose bib vacuum breakers on fixtures are recommended ( outside faucets,
laundry room connections and the connection made at the house)
Here is a list of a few of the places where a device should be placed.
Click for full
• Irrigation Systems
• Fire Sprinkler Systems
• Any Industrial and Commercial Systems / Properties
• Funeral homes
• Hospitals
• Restaurants
• Greenhouses
• Laundry Facilities
• Car washes
• Swimming pools
• Automatic livestock waterers
• All farms including homestead exempt
Click for full
GMWSS has a cross connection prevention program in place that should be
followed by every customer. Backflow prevention devices are maintained by
the customer and tested on a yearly basis in order to ensure they are still
working properly.
If you have any questions, please call Deanna Lunsford at
Code and Policy Information (Click a link):
GMWSS Manual for Containment and Cross-Connection Prevention
City of Georgetown - Code of Ordinances (2017)
City of Georgetown - Code of Ordinances:
• Chapter 19 Utilities: Article 4: Water
• Article V: Section 4: Plumbing Code
• Article V: Section 4-72: Adoption of State Plumbing Code
2017 Kentucky State Plumbing Law Regulations and Code Book
Click for a list of Certified Backflow Prevention Testers
Click for a
Test Report for Approved Backflow Preventers