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Did you Know...?
An American taking a five-minute shower uses more water than a slum-dweller in a developing country uses for an entire day.
Over 2.5 times more people lack water than live in the United States.
The average American uses approximately 105 gallons of water per day.
An old toilet uses at least 2.37 gallons of water a flush; a low-flush model uses as little as .75 gallons.
Approximately 400 billion gallons of water are used in the United States per day.
If you drink your daily recommended 8 glasses of water per day from the tap, it will only cost you about 50 cents per year.
It takes more water to manufacture a new car (39,090 gallons) than to fill an above ground swimming pool.
Water is the only substance found on earth naturally in three forms: solid, liquid and gas.
Public water suppliers process 38 billion gallons of water per day for consumption.
An additional 300 billion gallons of untreated waster is used per day for agricultural or commercial purposes.
There are more than 50,000 community water systems providing water to the public in the United States.
Nearly 80% of diseases in developing countries are water borne.
Nearly 85% of water is used for agricultural and industrial purposes.
97.5% of the earth's water is saltwater. If the world's water fit into a bucket, only one teaspoonful would be drinkable.
Less than one percent of treated water is used for cooking and drinking.
The average person drinks 800 gallons of water during their lifetime.
One gallon of gasoline can contaminate approximately 750,000 gallons of water.
You can refill an 8 oz. glass of water approximately 15,000 times for the same cost as a soda.
Every glass of water you drink has been consumed before - - at least 8 times.
The markup cost for a private water company is around 10 percent; the markup cost on bottled water is around 600 percent.
99% of the population of Scott County is served by public water; 90% of the population of Kentucky is served by public water; 71% of the US population is served by public water.